Table Talk

Watch the full series on YouTube.

Title sequence

The goal of the series title sequence was to match the high energy and quirkiness of the edit, while also introducing much of the graphic style that is seen throughout the rest of the video, including the hand drawn animation loops and color blocks.


Footage duotone

To illustrate and/or emphasize what the athletes were saying, graphics were composited into the massage table footage which was duotoned to match. This helped unify the footage with the animation style as they were previously two separate worlds with little crossover.


Animated loops

Hand drawn and animated loops created from existing footage, athlete-submitted footage, and stock footage helped show off each athlete’s personality. Fortunately, I was given a lot of creative freedom to interpret the script visually.


Stock collage

Athletes’ stories were further illustrated with collages comprised of athlete-submitted materials, animations, and cheesy stock footage. We leaned into the cheese with these, choosing awkward 3D animated anatomy renderings and footage that screamed “stock!” Sarcastic labels that responded to the athlete’s voiceover often accompanied these.


Personal bests

In each episode, each athlete gives their personal best times for their main events.



Client: On
Agency: Levity Creative
Executive Producer: Colin Leary
Director: Andrew Hinton
Editor: Ryan Chisesi
Designer/Animator: Conner Lee
Project Manager: Alisa May Geiser